This universe surprises me. It has an uncanny ability to give you just what you need, right when you need it. I recently had one of these events, and it made me think about other times it has happened and it humbled me.
I recently moved to beautiful Hawaii. Many would think that I should never have any reason to be sad or down. Yes, it is gorgeous. Yes, I live in a place people only dream of visiting, but I moved here alone. I was having an especially melencholy evening one night, that even the help of a couple of new friends wasn't fixing. We finally ended up at this awesome little dive bar. Randomly, later in the night, I met a person that the universe intended on me to meet. It was the most positive person I think I had ever met! I don't even know who spoke to who first, but it was as if he could sense what was wrong with me. He pointed out how lucky I was to be here, and gave me an outlet to perhaps create some sort of normalcy. He was a yoga instructor, so he encouraged me to go to his class. I hesistantly woke up the morning of his class, and nervously walked there. I had never done yoga before! By the end of it, I decided that I think I need yoga. I need the positive mental message that yoga encompasses along with the physical improvement of my body. I am going to try to keep that going.
Another night, I met a girl who was just swinging through Cincinnati on a road trip. I was inspired by her solo journey. She was from Singapore and had been in the US for a good amount of time, but had to return home due to an expiring visa. She plotted out a road trip and took off on her own. She stopped in cities she wanted to stop in, whether she knew people there or not! Her independence was just want I needed to see. It was a big inspiration in my decision to do travel nursing. I signed up just a few weeks after our conversation that night. We still keep in touch after a one night encounter.
I could easily say that every relationship makes me who I am. Everybody I have met or dated has given me inspiration in some sort of way or another. They have all made me a better person, or showed me more of what I deserve in life. They may not be what others consider the best for me, but they were the right people at that time. I needed to meet them.
I love this universe. I am excited for what else it will bring me. Look back, have you had a weird universe moment? Did you realize how lucky you were to have that moment?
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